Project Staff
Nigaanigiizhig (H. James St. Arnold) - Project Director
Niiyo-giizhig (Wesley Ballinger) - Language Specialist/Artist
Waabanangagookwe (Michelle Defoe) - Language Assistant
Giiniw (Levi Tadgerson) - Language Assistant
Meskwaa'aa-opwaagan-ikwe (Leora Lancaster) - Language Assistant
Zhooniyaa-ikwe (Michelle Goose) - Language Assistant
Peer Reviewers
Pebaamibines (Dennis Jones)
Kenn Pitwanakwat
Nagaanagone (Barb Nolan)

GAAGIGE (GLIFWC Advisory And Guidance Input Group of Elders)
Joe Chosa - Lac du Flambeau
Marjorie Greene - Lac du Flambeau
Giiwegizhgookway Martin - Lac Vieux Desert
Rose Martin - Lac Vieux Desert
Amik - Mille Lacs
Doug Sam - Mille Lacs
Leonard Moose - Mille Lacs
Mary Moose - Mille Lacs
Joe Rose - Bad River
Dennis White - Lac Courte Oreilles
Cleora White - Lac Courte Oreilles
Phyllis Lowe - St. Croix
Diane DeFoe - Red Cliff
Frances Van Zile - Sokaogon/Mole Lake
Fred Ackley - Sokaogon/Mole Lake
Dana Jackson - Bad River
Veronica Smith - Fond du Lac

Jason Maloney - Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center, Ashland, WI
April Lindala - Center for Native American Studies; Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI

Special Thanks To
Maajiigwaneyaash (Gordon Jourdain)
Gezhiwewidan (Fred Kelly)
Ozaawaabik (Joe Chosa)
Mike Sullivan, Sr. (review of southern Ojibwe)

I wish to thank and acknowledge all those who helped put the Dibaajimowinan project together: the speakers who allowed us to record their stories, the assistants who transcribed and translated the recordings, the peer reviewers who provided an excellent review of the work as it was being done, the partners who gave us space to meet and work, GLIFWC Public Information Office staff who provided their expertise in layout and final reviews, and our elder advisors of GAAGIGE (GLIFWC Advisory And Guidance Input Group of Elders) without whose guidance this project would not have been started. And we can't forget Niiyo-giizhig, a.k.a. Wesley Ballinger, the project Language Specialist, whose skills include everything from recording the speakers, to developing the book cover and interior artwork.
Nigaanigiizhig (Jim St. Arnold)
Project Director

Lynn Plucinski - Dibaajimowinan book layout
Sue Erickson - final review
Charlie Rasmussen - final review

The Dibaajimowinan project was made possible through grant funding from the Administration for Native Americans.