**All stories were reviewed and approved by the speakers.**
The transcribed and translated stories are not intended to stand up to linguistic, academic standards.
Ogimaawigwanebiik (Nancy Jones)
Anangookwe (Marlene Stately)
Bawdwaywidun (Eddie Benton)
Eva King
Kenn Pitawanakwat
Minwaankwad (Leona Nahwegahbow)
Manidoo-bizhiki (Doug Sam)
Nagaanagone (Barb Nolan)
Niibaagaabaw (David Aubid)
Ogimaakwe (Hilda Syrette)
Ozaawaagosh (Leon"Boycee"Valliere)
Waabningozhiins (Rose Trudeau)
Zhingwewegaabaw (Bennie Rogers)

This project is dedicated to those elders, speakers, and students who are taking care of our language. The elders who kept strong through times in which we were losing our language. The speakers who protected our language and continued to speak it, even when they were punished for doing so. Finally, to those students whose energies and efforts are keeping our language alive and strong.